šŸŒæ Elon needs cannabis ad money

PLUS: Photos of People Surrounded by Cannabis, California cannabis cafes get more lively, Delta-8 and 9 THCO illegal, South Australia ignores people that know better

The Greenfields Get Smarter About the Cannabis Industry

Good Morning. Welcome to The Greenfields news. We are your twice weekly newsletter on the cannabis business that keeps you ahead of the game.

Whatā€™ve we got for you today?

  • Elon needs sweet cannabis ad money

  • California cannabis cafes get more lively

  • Photos of people surrounded by cannabis

  • Delta-8 and Delta-9 THCO is illegal

  • People that know better tell SA not to take drivers licences off sick people

Elon needs sweet cannabis ad money

Twitter is allowing cannabis companies to promote CBD and THC products, as well as cannabis related products and services. Obviously after Elon drove away all his other advertisers something had to fill the gap.

There are a few restrictions about what people can and canā€™t do.

The most important are:

  • You canā€™t offer cannabis for sale or promote its sale

  • You canā€™t target people under 21

  • And you must be licenced and comply with local laws

So what can you advertise? Even though you canā€™t advertise the sale of cannabis, you can still use twitter to promote the products themselves.

Easy, right?

Basically you probably can't say: ā€œClick here to buy a quarter of weedā€, but what you can do is say: ā€œHereā€™s our finest weed sir please click here to learn moreā€. Or at least thatā€™s what we thinkā€¦

Thereā€™s no indication that these changes apply to Australia. Weā€™ve submitted a few ads today to see if anythings changed for us and will report back when we know more.

Dr. Lenny's Lab

Got a question about cannabis you'd like answered by an actual scientist?

Dr. Lenny is a plant and brain scientist that can answer your questions about cannabis, plants, brains, research, medicine, and biology.

Reply to this email with your questions and the best one will get an answer in an upcoming newsletter.

California Cannabis Cafeā€™s to get More Lively

A new bill to legalise cannabis cafeā€™s will also make cannabis consumption spaces a bit more lively. The bill allows food and drink to be sold alongside cannabis and allows for live music performances.

Allowing cannabis cafeā€™s to sell food and drink alongside live performances is going to help them out a bit, but it isnā€™t going to solve the issues holding the Californian cannabis industry back.

Cannabis businesses in California are struggling. The illegal cannabis market is believed to be twice the size of the legal market.

  • Californian cannabis businesses face:

  • Local government opposition that lets cities shut out cannabis businesses,

  • High (šŸ˜‰) taxes,

  • and a highly competitive illegal market

Australia looks to be heading down the same path if The Greens get their way. Theyā€™ve proposed a tax of 15-25% excise on top of the GST that would already be collected.

This would push the retail price of cannabis through the roof and allow the black market to continue to thrive. Letā€™s hope we donā€™t make the same mistakes.

Photos of People Surrounded By Cannabis

It's time for everyone's favourite segment: Photo's of People Surrounded By Cannabis. This is the segment where we post the best photo of a person surrounded by cannabis (yes it is what it says on the box).

This week we have Brady Cobb from Sunburn Cannabis:

Good for you Brady. If you'd like to see yourself in Photo's of People Surrounded by Cannabis just reply to this email with a link to your photo or hit us up on TwitterInstagram or Facebook.

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DEA says Delta-8 and Delta-9 THCO is illegal

As far as the United States DEA is concerned Delta-8 and Delta-9 THCO (also known as THC acetate ester) are illegal.

Hemp-derived THC has been all the rage recently because cannabis companies believe it allows them to bypass laws against THC. The theory goes that because hemp is legal in many US states, THC derived from the CBD in hemp is also legal.

The DEA says:

Delta-9-THCO and delta-8-THCO do not occur naturally in the cannabis plant and can only be obtained synthetically, and therefore do not fall under the definition of hemp


Now this doesnā€™t clarify the status of Delta-8 THC which occurs naturally but only in very small amounts. The FDA has raised concerns about Delta-8 due to its synthetic nature and lack of evidence for its safety.

For now the legality of Delta-8 THC continues to be a grey area.

People that know better tell SA not to take drivers licences of sick people

South Australian politicians are still keen to take licences on the spot if drivers are found with medicinal cannabis in their system.

People that know better, including a law professor and the SA Greens, met with the SA Police Minister minister to urge him to make an exemption for people with a medicinal cannabis prescription from their doctor.

And he pretty much totally ignored them.

Despite claiming to be open-minded about things SA Police Minister Joe Szakacs still said:

I don't have an optimistic answer for those people who met with me or with advocates ā€¦ the advice that I have received to date is such that we will be sticking with this model

Joe Szakacs

For now the South Australian police will be cosplaying Judge Dredd and confiscating the licenses of sick people who are just taking their medicine.

We hope you've enjoyed your walk through The Greenfields of cannabis today. Weā€™ll see you again next Tuesday, but if you want more before then follow us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

DISCLAIMER: This newsletter is not financial advice. It is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell anything or to make any financial decisions. Please do your own research and do not buy anything dodgy.


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