🌿 NSW Premier chicken on drug law reform 🐣

PLUS: Cann won't set positive cashflow timeline 💸, Creso Pharma positive Canada cashflow, Can cannabis help with endometriosis? Who started 420? and Photos of People (or Cats) Surrounded by Cannabis

Good morning Greenies! We hope you’re having a great 420.

We weren’t clever enough to come up with anything clever for 420, so we’ve tried to pack in a bit extra.

What’ve we got for you today?

  • NSW Premier chicken on drug law reform 🐣

  • Cann Group won’t set timeline for positive cashflow 💸 

  • Photos of People (or Cats) Surrounded by Cannabis 📸 

  • Creso Pharma positive Canada cashflow 🇨🇦 

  • Can cannabis help with endometriosis? ⚕️ 

  • Who started 420? 4️⃣ 2️⃣ 0️⃣ 

NSW Premier chicken on drug law reform 🐣

NSW’s new Premier has done a backflip on cannabis law reform and attributes his newfound agility to medicinal cannabis.

In 2019 Chris Minns told an audience of NSW Labor for Drug Law Reform we should legalise and regulate cannabis.

The bottom line is that we can’t make [cannabis] go away, but we can make it safer, less potent and less criminal. Without rewarding bikies, and organised crime groups that feed off the black market nature of the drug.”

NSW Premier Chris Minns in 2019

Minns went on to talk about the dangers of prohibition and the benefits (🤑) to the state of a legal recreational drug market.

He has since chickened out of cannabis law reform ruling it out in the lead up to the 2023 NSW election.

A spokesperson says Minns changed his mind because medicinal cannabis is now more widely available than it was in 2019.

Presumably bikies and criminal gangs are less violent because they can now access medicinal cannabis… 🤷‍♂️ 

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Cann Group won’t set timeline for positive cashflow

Cann Group (ASX:CAN) declined to say when they will be cash flow positive during an investor presentation.

Instead they emphasised the growing opportunity of medicinal cannabis in Australia and ramping up production at their Mildura facility.

They are betting on increased demand for locally grown cannabis after TGA changes to import quality requirements take effect on July 1st and have grown their sales team in anticipation.

Cann Group had no real updates on their S3 sleep treatment which failed trials earlier this year, other than to say that they were in discussions with their partner Haleon about the next steps.

Photos of People (or cats) Surrounded by Cannabis

This weeks Photos of People (or cats) Surrounded by Cannabis comes to us courtesy of drdina420. Dr. Dina is a cannabis consultant and is seen here with some beautiful cannabis plants in Spain.

Good for you Dr. Dina.

If you'd like to see your photo in Photos of People (or cats) Surrounded by Cannabis share it with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram.

Creso Pharma positive Canadian cashflow

Creso Pharma (ASX:CPH) have announced their Canadian recreational and medicinal cannabis business Mernova has achieved its first cashflow positive quarter.

Revenues were up 46% to $1.5 million thanks to expansion and growth in Canada. They received their largest ever purchase order since inception of $350k.

Mernova sells recreational and medicinal cannabis in Canada under the Ritual brand. Products include dried flower, pre-rolled joints, and handheld vaporiser.

Creso Pharma’s operating losses have reached as high as $32 million recently, so it will be interesting to see if the rest of their business is moving in the same direction.

Dr. Lenny's Lab

Got a question about cannabis you'd like answered by a scientist?

Dr. Lenny is a plant and brain scientist that can answer your questions about cannabis, plants, brains, genetics, research, medicine, and biology.

Reply to this email with your questions and the best one will get an answer in an upcoming newsletter.

Can cannabis help with endometriosis?

Western Sydney University have been given $660k to study the use of medicinal cannabis for endometriosis.

The study will determine if a cannabidiol isolate or balanced THC/CBD oil can reduce pelvic pain and other symptoms of endometriosis.

Endometriosis affects 10% of women globally and there are very few effective treatments.

Who started 420?

It turns out the explanation for 420 being the police code for cannabis is bullshit.

There are actually two competing groups who claim to have started 420: The Waldos and the Beebs.

The Waldos claim that they met at 4:20pm to find a secret cannabis grow. The Beebs say their leader Brad Bann declared they should start chopping and packing their bamboo bongs at 4:20pm.

The two groups have been fighting over ownership of 420 for decades.

It’s highly (😉) doubtful they’ll ever resolve this, but does anyone actually want it resolved?

Read the rest of their story here.

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A Greenies review:

That’s your walk through The Greenfields of the cannabis industry today. We hope you've enjoyed it.

Have a great 420 Greenies. There won’t be a newsletter next Tuesday due to ANZAC day.

We’ll see you again on Thursday, but if you want more follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

DISCLAIMER: This newsletter is not financial advice. It is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell anything or to make any financial decisions. Please do your own research and do not buy anything dodgy.


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